Fast, free and fixed price quote service
Guaranteed report within 5-7 working days
Free asbestos remediation advice
Accurate data collection system

Essential Asbestos Consultancy

We provide Asbestos Surveys for all types of properties and businesses across the UK.

We provide independent asbestos advice and consultancy across a wide range of industries and building types. Our team of experienced asbestos project managers can manage your asbestos remediation and removal requirements.

As a fully independent and impartial company, you can be confident that the results and recommendations you receive from Roth Associates will always be in your best interests!

We can provide a full range of analytical services including both bulk sample analysis and Asbestos Fibre Air Monitoring for asbestos fibres in the air.

Roth Associates can be with you from the beginning to the end of managing your asbestos related issues.

We have experienced project managers who can assist in controlling asbestos removal and abatement projects and assist in compiling corporate policies, procedures and management plans.

If you are carrying out any Refurbishment or Demolition works then an Asbestos Management Survey will not be suitable, a Refurbishment and Demolition Asbestos Survey is what is required and forms part of the Health and Safety File.

The purpose of Management Asbestos Survey reports are to help manage asbestos in your premises. The asbestos Management Survey provides accurate information on the location, amount and condition of asbestos-containing materials (ACM’s) and assesses the level of damage or deterioration in the ACM’s and whether remedial action is required.

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